Official Trailer for '#Female Pleasure' Doc Directed by Barbara Miller
Official Trailer for '#Female Pleasure' Doc Directed by Barbara Miller
by Alex Billington
October 16, 2019
Source: YouTube

"Will you raise your voice? Are you brave enough?" Abramorama has debuted an official US trailer for the acclaimed "European breakout" documentary #Female Pleasure (yes, including the hashtag symbol) from director Barbara Miller (Forbidden Voices). The inspiring, bold doc film "shows the universal mechanisms at work that determine the position of women until today, spanning cultures, religions and continents: from Japan and India and the Somali Muslim diaspora to the Hasidic community in Brooklyn and the Catholic clergy in Europe. [Each came] to the same conclusion: the female body is subjected to male lust and first and foremost is meant for procreation, without any regard for female sexual pleasure and autonomy." Time to change that. This doc encourages the empowerment women, focusing specifically on their shared interest in sexual pleasure. Showing us "how courage, strength, and zest for life can indeed alter societal structures."
Here's the official trailer (+ posters) for Barbara Miller's doc #Female Pleasure, direct from YouTube:
#Female Pleasure portrays five courageous, smart and self-determined women, breaking the silence imposed by our still deeply patriarch societies and strictly religious communities. With incredible strength and positive energy, bestselling author Deborah Feldman, anti FGM-activist Leyla Hussein, vagina-artist Rokudenashiko, former nun Doris Wagner and "Love Matters"-founder Vithika Yadav are fighting for sexual liberation and autonomy for women, beyond religious rules and cultural barriers. But their victory comes at a high price: they all have experienced public defamation, threats and prosecutions, have been excommunicated by the society they grew up in and even received death threats by religious leaders and fanatics. #Female Pleasure is directed by Swiss-German filmmaker Barbara Miller, of the doc Forbidden Voices previously, as well as numerous TV documentaries. This first premiered at the Locarno Film Festival last year. Abramorama releases Miller's #Female Pleasure in select US theaters starting on October 18th.
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